

24. septembra 2024

  Radisson Blu Carlton, Bratislava

možnosti člen/nečlen:

registracia: Žiadny takýto obsah produktu

  Informácie pre návštevníkov

Dátum: 24.9.2024
Miesto: Radisson Blu Carlton, Bratislava


Členovia nášho tímu na mieste

Laura Lajchová

Event Manager



The financial Industry is changing. The conference creates the groundwork for discussions to understand how global trends will change business models of banks, insurance companies, consumer finance, and other financial intermediaries. Public debt can be reduced by financing some state-owned companies through the capital market. What are prerequisites to make this happen in the long term? Startup companies supplement traditional banking. What makes sense from a business perspective, and how can innovative ideas of client servicing be integrated. Investment professionals provide market outlooks, which are essential to making informed investment decisions on a reasonable basis.

The Future of Finance develops CFA Society leadership in shaping a more trustworthy and forward-thinking investment profession that better serves the society as a whole. The conference helps you stay informed about important trends and industry developments.

CFA Society Slovakia promotes ethical and professional standards within the investment industry, encourages professional development through the CFA Program, and facilitates the open exchange of information and opinions.

     9:00 - 9:15  

      Registration and Networking


     9:15 - 9:30  

      CFA Society Slovakia Opening – Event Information, Martin Kažimír

     CFA Society Slovakia Opening  speech Marcel Imrišek CFA – President of CFA Society Slovakia – Introduction of CFA Society Slovakia (SVK)



  • Vladimír Redkin, Public Policy Entities Related to Government - Credit Rating Approach Overview

     Head of EMEA International Public Finance, Fitch Ratings, online Presentation


      Public debt financing via Capital Market.  Panel moderated by Alojz Simicak, CFA, Vice-President of CFA Society Slovakia
     How can the capital market help to reduce public debt by government offering attractive investment opportunities in public companies and public                                     infrastructure projects? The need for political consensus and the role of effective governance in public companies.

  • Miroslav Kotov, Chairman of the ADSS Presidium
  • Peter Jedinák, Counsel, A&O Shearman
  • Štefan Kišš, Member of the Parliament, Progressive Slovakia
  • Marián Herman, ex-CEO and ex-CFO of HB Reavis Group 


     11:00 - 11:20  

      Coffee Break

     11:20 - 12:30  

      AI and Digitalization partnerships.  Panel moderated by Mária Hatalová, Head of Innovations, Tatrabanka

     Artificial intelligence, Machine Learning, ChatGPT, API, Generative AI are changing the financial industry around the world. Want a happy customer?                                       Design a happy path, focus on client experience, and safety! 

  • Jakub Šimičák, Chief Technology Officer, E-Financials
  • Marcel Klimo, Head of AI Research & Development, Vacuumlabs
  • Andrej Coplák, Chief Executive Officer, Blockmate                        
  • Jana Hmírová, Chief Executive Officer, Payout



Charter Award Ceremony , Marcel Imrišek, CFA






       The future of finance. How to create profitable customer satisfactions. Panel moderated by Marek Sasik, CFA, Member of the Board CFA Society                                               Slovakia

     How are banks and financial institutions changing their business models? Is it product management or delivery in the form of customer experience that counts?             Dividing or sharing business „pie“ among financial institutions.

  •  Michal Maxim, Associate Partner, KPMG
  • Ján Fígeľ, Member of Governing Board, EIT - European Institute of Innovation and Technology
  • Peter Krutil, Chief Executive Officer, Slovenská Sporiteľňa
  •  Ing. Vladimír Bakeš, PhD.,  Chairman of the Managing Board and CEO, KOOPERATIVA poisťovňa, a.s. Vienna Insurance Group
  • Peter Škodný, Chief Corporate Solutions Officer, ESET



      Coffee Break



     Profitable Investment strategies given the market outlook. Panel moderated by Pavol Kiraľvarga, CFA, Member of the Board CFA Society Slovakia

     What is the outlook for ECB rates? Which asset class could dominate the market in terms of risk and return? From government bonds to Bitcoin, market outlook from       investment professionals.

  • Branislav Tuš , PhD, Head of Investment Department, NN Pensions Slovakia
  • Michal Májek , Chief Investment Officer, Tatra Asset Management
  • Michal Zajac, CFA, FRM , Head of Investment reserves Risk Management Section, National Bank of Slovakia
  • Igor Vilček, Chief Investment Officer, VUB Generali



     Closing remarks



     Networking, Dinner Buffet style


      Master of Ceremonies – Martin Kažimír – Executive Director of CFA Society Slovakia 


Radisson Blue Carlton, Bratislava

Hviezdoslavovo námestie 3
811 02 Bratislava

MAFRA Slovakia a.s. |
Kalinčiakova 33 | 831 04
Bratislava (mapa)
IČO: 51 904 446

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